
April 27, 2018 | 9:00 am

April 28, 2018 | 12:00 pm


The Penn Stater Hotel & Conference Center

2018 Pennsylvania Economic Theory Conference

Friday, April 27th

9:05 AM

9:10 AM


9:10 AM

9:55 AM

Ben Golub

 Social Learning in a Dynamic Environment

9:55 AM

10:05 AM


10:05 AM

10:50 AM

Selcuk Ozyurt

Efficient and Incentive Compatible Mediation

10:50 AM

11:20 AM

Poster session #1

11:20 AM

12:05 AM

Miaomiao Dong

Strategic Experimentation with Asymmetric Information

12:05 PM

1:45 PM


1:45 PM

2:30 PM

Eduard Talamàs

Price Dispersion in Stationary Networked Markets

2:30 PM

2:45 PM


2:45 PM

3:30 PM

Alexey Kushnir

Optimal income taxation with endogenous prices

3:30 PM

4:00 PM

Poster Session #2

4:00 PM

4:45 PM

Henrique de Oliveira

Rationalizing Dynamic Choices

4:45 PM

5:15 PM

Poster Session #3

5:15 PM

6:30 PM


 6:30 PM

9:00 PM

Dinner – Senate Suite


Saturday, April 28th

9:10 AM

9:55 AM

Kalyan Chatterjee

Repeated Coordination with draft Learning

9:55 AM

10:05 AM


10:05 AM

10:50 AM

Sofia Moroni

Multidimensional communication with limited commitment

10:50 AM

11:10 AM


11:10 AM

11:55 AM

Ricardo Serrano-Padial

Coordination in Global Games with Heterogeneous Agents

Download the 2018 PETCO Conference Program