Saturday, April 8, 2017
Morning Chair: Karl Shell
8:30 AM Continental Breakfast
8:55 AM Greeting, Neil Wallace
9:00 AM Tai-Wei Hu, (Kellogg School, Northwestern): “The Phillips Curve in a Matching Model”
10:00 AM Morning Break
10:15 AM Juan Pablo Xandri, (Princeton): “Revealed Forward Looking Expectations”
11:15 AM Andrew Fieldhouse, (Cornell): “The Macroeconomic Effect of Government Asset Purchases:
Evidence from Postwar US Housing Credit Policy”
12:30 PM Lunch
Afternoon Chair: Karel Mertens
2:00 PM Ilia Krasikov, (Penn State University): "Restarts and Shutdowns: Dynamic Contracting with
Unequal Discounting”
3:00 PM Afternoon Break
3:15 PM Bruno Salcedo, (Cornell): "Trolls for Hire”
4:15 PM Ali Shourideh (Carnegie-Mellon): “Market-Making with Search and draft Information”
6:30 PM Dinner at the Penn Stater
(Out of town guests and invited Penn Staters)
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Chair: Ruilin Zhou
9:00 AM Continental Breakfast
9:30 AM Mathieu Taschereau-Dumouchel (Wharton): "Cascades and Fluctuations in an Economy
with an Endogenous Production Network”
10:30 AM Break
10:45 AM Max Troshkin, (Cornell): “On the Optimality of Simple, Incrementally Reformed Fiscal Policies”
12:00 PM Sandwich Lunch in Kern Lobby
To view the full workshop program, click here.