
December 18, 2020 | 3:00 pm

December 18, 2020 | 4:15 pm

Joseph Altonji from Yale University will present "Returns to Specific Graduate Degrees: Estimates Using Texas Administrative Records", (joint with Zhengren Zhu).



We estimate causal effects of specific graduate degrees, such as an MBA or an MS in Electrical Engineering, on labor market outcomes. Moreover, we study how college major and characteristics of students and graduate schools influence the payoff to graduate education. We use alternative fixed effect regression models to control for endogenous selection into graduate programs and also use propensity score weighting to construct suitable control groups. We use a version of Dale and Krueger's strategy to estimate differences across schools in the value of specific degrees. Our analysis takes advantage of the size and richness of the TSP data, and the fact that it can be used to track students through high school, college, graduate school and the labor market.